Progress Happens in Fits and Starts

I began Bourbony a little over a year ago, in November 2022. The idea was to have a place to post my drink recipes, musings on cocktails and bourbon, and other things cocktail-related. And then life got in the way. Now, almost a year later, I picked it back up and started working on it again. Progress happens in fits and starts, it seems.

The concept is still the same. Bourbony is my site where I post drink recipes. Mostly variations on the Old Fashioned, but with a growing mix of non-bourbon cocktails. There’s less focus on third-party bourbon and whisk(e)y news, although you’ll still find a little of that here. I’ve spent the past month or so revamping the existing recipes, adding videos and better photos. I’m also working on new recipes and reviews.

I’m also looking at possibly selling craft liqueurs and syrups (that’s still in the research phase…shh…).

What all that takes, of course, is time. And money. And support.

So what it boils down to is this – if you’re reading this, I’d love for you to subscribe to the mailing list, watch and like some videos, or buy a t-shirt or mug. And leave some comments. Because otherwise I’m doing this in a vacuum, and that’s no fun.

Bob Sawyer


Hi! I’m Bob!

If it’s got bourbon in it, I’m drinking it. And if it’s really good, I’m gonna figure out how to make it, and share it with you. Because I’m good like that.


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